Sunday, January 23, 2011

DIY: Turban-Style Headband

Turban-style headbands or headwraps are in the limelight right now in the fashion world, and I think they're AWESOME. They can add a chicness to anything... or be used to cover up hair that needs to be washed (I can attest to the latter)!

From right to left: Milly, Issa, Vena Cava S/S 2011

Turban-style headwraps can literally be worn on any type or length of hair- worn over the crown, under the hair like a traditional headband, with a low-slung bun, the list goes on... so let me show you how to make one of your own for under 5 bucks!

1) Start with two lengths of fabric that when doubled over will read from the center of the crown of your head to the nape of your neck.

2) If you're working with a fabric that has
raw edges (polyester/spandex blends are great because you don't need to give them hems), double the width of these pieces of fabrics so that you can run a seam down the raw edge and turn them inside-out. I made mine about 5-6 inches wide so that when I sewed them into "tubes" they'd be about 2.5 inches wide.

3) After you've finished with your two "tubes," iron them with the seam in the very center. This way, it will always be against your head and not facing out when you wear your headband.

4) Lay the two pieces of fabric criss-crossed over one another with the seams facing up.

5) Fold them over one another and pull, this will be the general look of your headband with the "knot" in the center. Next time I'm going to taper the ends of the fabrics down so that the fabric at the base of my head will be thinner and more comfortable.

6) This next part can be done any way you wish, really. I used two pieces of elastic because my headwrap is pretty wide. Just make sure you take the stretchiness of the elastic into account so that your headwrap will both stay on your head but not be too constricting.

7) Ta-da! I look kind of stoned but I promise it was just the flash ;)

Here's a closer look at the knot.

This whole project took about 40 minutes. The fabric cost about $1.95 for 1/4 of a yard (I still have fabric left over) and the elastic was about $2 for a few feet of it. Totally affordable, and if I can use a sewing machine so can you!

Any questions my loves?! Please share your comments, critiques, and of course creations of your own!


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